Saturday, November 24, 2007

What do they put in this stuff anyway?

I almost called off work today so that I could stay home and watch more Veronica Mars. Instead I went in late and left early, offering a slew of excuses ranging from car trouble to having a dinner date. Actually, I turned down the dinner date along with invitations from various friends for a night out on the town in order to stay in my comfy p.j.'s with Miss Mars. Even my brother-the one with the Scarface posters all over his room- has jumped on the bandwagon. We three have sunk so low that we are now eating soup out of Tupperware because none of us wants to take the time out to wash the dishes. There is no pausing of the dvd for bathroom breaks in this family so we are literally dashing back and forth. I'd say we need rehab. Like Tim Horton's coffee and Mcdonald's fries, there's a special ingredient that is somewhat elusive that makes it so good and sooo bad. Buffy who? (oh my god, I just blasphemed. Joss forgive me.)


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