It's been a while since I've blogged. Here's a few things I've been into lately:
- Stephanie Meyer's Twilight series.
- Bella Swan is an impossibly clumsy teenage girl in love with a vampire. Of course. In the second book of the series she discovers her best friend is a werewolf. Really, can it get any better this? Alas, it does have some faults. Too much over characterization. If that is even an actual term for criticism. Bella is too clumsly. The vampire is too broody. The situations are sooo dramatic. Edward (the vamp) has to save Bella's life like every five seconds and the one time he thinks he's failed, he attempts suicide. Seriously, these two put Romeo and Juliet to shame.
- Furniture Shopping- In the market for a new sofa. I'm stuck on this.
- Getting ready for fall.- The mums are out. Soon it will be pumpkins. I bought two sweaters and a black patent leather bag on a day it was 80. And hot tea. Lot's of hot tea.

- Old New Kids on the Block videos. - . They are in the process of trying to stage a comeback but I don't think it's going to pan out. When my 14 year old daughter and her friends laugh at "these old guys trying to dance", you know it's time to throw in the towel and call it a night. The smart ones will go into real estate or start producing younger hipper acts that will actually make some money. I had to put her down with the old stuff lest her think that my teenage crushes were just big dorks. Well... they really were. Here's the latest vid that has all the kids cracking up. The beginning shows them separately at all of these exotic locations, (on speed boats, driving Porches) when each of them gets a call on their high tech cell phones to presumably reunite. Doubt it. Aside from Donnie, who actually has had other career oppurtunities, these NKOTB were still hangin tough in Boston praying for that phone call. If you don't have time to waste, fast forward to the end when they are doing the "Hangin Tough" arm wave on the beach... hilarious.
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