Tuesday, July 04, 2006

God Bless

Decided to celebrate the 4th by exorcising my right to religious freedom, and my right to say whatever the hell I want. Here's an excerpt from a text conversation I had with my daughter's father:

Me: Ur an asshole for not calling I__. on her birthday. (day before)
R: U know we dont celebrate birthdays
Me: I think ur fake. U just forgot
R: Ur the biggest fake. u never wanted her to be muslim
Me: Heres the problem..this has nothing to do with Islam, but thats all you people ever think about (yes, I said "you people" (cringe))
R: Ur a very ignorant person and u have no morals
Me:because I smoke, drink, and have sex occasionally with the devil?
Me: how very Islamic of you. do you want to bomb my house now?
Me: because I'll need to tell my mom to go to my gramma's for a few days

R: @#$%^&* %$#&& #$$$%$

a chuckle, a giggle, a snicker and a sneer. so wrong but so easy. I'm so going to hell.


Blogger GabsOSteel said...

if your kid believes in birthdays, wish her a happy birthday. or else she'll grow up and bomb your house.

4:44 PM  
Blogger Greg said...

Who is this "Ur"?

7:12 AM  

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