Tuesday, October 30, 2007


I want to live here. I mean the library doesn't have those swingy ladders and there isn't a conservatory, but the secret passage kinda makes up for that. And it's probably haunted as all derelict English mansions are... bonus. The pic on the left is from some museum in Connecticut.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Separated at birth?

Princess Dragomiroff from the 1974 film Murder on the Orient Express and Gary Oldman, the sexiest decrepit Dracula ever. (scroll down, I posted twice : )

Mad as a Hatter

So, I really, really wanted to be Miss Wilhelmina Murray for All Hallows Eve this year, but alas, the perfect headpiece is more difficult to find than I had anticipated. I found a site that makes movie costume reproductions, but they are custom made and and located in Germany. Suggestions have been made not to wear a hat at all, but for me, that would be like wearing a clown suit with no make-up. In the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic series, she is shown wearing several different styles, so I suppose I could have broadened my search and come up with something. However, I did find sites selling patterns for all garments Victorian, including lingerie... not that I wanted to take this idea that far. So I was thinking, if some friends and I (hint, hint), wanted to get creative and industrious, we could do these guys some justice next year. I do have a sewing machine... I leave you to ponder the awesome possibilities.