So, I really, really wanted to be Miss Wilhelmina Murray for All Hallows Eve this year, but alas, the perfect headpiece is more difficult to find than I had anticipated. I found a site that makes
movie costume reproductions, but they are custom made and and located in Germany. Suggestions have been made not to wear a hat at all, but for me, that would be like wearing a clown suit with no make-up. In the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic series, she is shown wearing
several different styles, so I suppose I could have broadened my search and come up with something. However, I did find sites selling patterns for
all garments Victorian, including lingerie... not that I wanted to take this idea that far. So I was thinking, if some friends and I (hint, hint), wanted to get creative and industrious, we could do
these guys some justice next year. I do have a sewing machine... I leave you to ponder the awesome possibilities.