Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Can anyone read German?

I'm not really sure what this is all about... couldn't find info anywhere.

Friday, December 07, 2007


Anya's worst nightmare.

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

I am Jack's raging bile duct

The other day I followed a link on AOL to a site that was going to show me the pictures of Jennifer Love Hewitt's ass that sparked a load of media controversy. Apparently Ms. Love has some cellulite and it is headline news. Apparently people like myself are interested enough to follow the links. Turns out that the site address, WWTDD.com, is an acronym for 'What Would Tyler Durden Do'. WHAT?! Someone is operating a celeb gossip site in the name of the beloved anti-technology, hunter-gatherer nihilist and getting away with it?! Dude, did you watch the movie/read the book? I can see how you would think that what you are doing falls in line with Tyler's antics, but you are mistaken.
In his own words: "We are by-products of a lifestyle obsession. Murder, crime, poverty-these things don't concern me. What concerns me are celebrity magazines, television with 500 channels, some guys name on my underwear..." "What Would Tyler Durden Do" is self-described as "a blog focused on bringing you the latest gossip and news about rich and famous celebrities. And then making fun of them. Why? Because fuck them, that's why." Ripping on celebrities as opposed to glorifying them does not a Tyler Durden make. Celebrity culture leads to crazed consumerism and vice versa. Participating in either, whatever the forum, perpetuates their existence- not a Tyler move.
I'm not attempting to defend the scrutinized rich and famous...I love celeb gossip as much as the next person. Nor am I aligning myself entirely with the anti-capitalist philosophies of Tyler. However, I must say that I respect him. I respect the element of the psyche that he represents- the element that keeps us from becoming robotic droids. He is Morpheus in The Matrix. He is the woods in Shakespeare's plays, where all must go to gain perspective. He is the Freudian id and the Jungian animus. He is Drop Dead Fred. Nietzsche welcomes him with the hope that man can not only survive his influence, but become a master of the useful crisis he creates. F. Scott Fitzgerald said "The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function." He was talking about Jack and Tyler.
So dear blogger who operates" WWTTDD", I am not asking that you discontinue blogging on a topic that brings so many such gritty joy. I am however asking that you get it right. Call a spade a spade and leave Tyler out of this. And in response to your question " What would Tyler Durden do?" I believe he would take your blog, your computer and your digitally enhanced photo's and shove them up your ass. But not until after he beats your face to a bloody pulp. Enjoy your pseudo- liberation my friend, whatever that actually means. How well are your corporate sponsors paying by the way?