Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The Horror

I don't know which is worse... That the cashier at Target was a kid from my poetry class and I was buying teeny little bras for Imani and one big bra for me or that at the library yesterday I deliberately and obviously peeped out my neighboring borrower's books only to find The Joy of Sex beneath a pile of science fiction novels. I think I'm gonna go with the former. You may say to yourself, "Why didn't she just pick a different line?" The cashier switched just as it was about to be my turn. In both instances there was plenty of mortification and embarassed blushing exhibited by all parties, including Imani. Now I have to go to class aware that the essentially teen-age boy across the room from me knows the details of my unmentionables.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

The neverending saga

About an hour after my last post, in a hypoglycemic frenzy to get to the second floor vending machine, I lost my wallet again. No worries though. I got in touch with my old friend St. Anthony and not a minute later U.B. was calling to let me know my wallet had been turned in. Immediately after that phone call, I went to hang a measuring cup on it's designated hook and serendipitously located the missing keys. I am beginning to suspect that I am unknowingly caught up in a cosmic game of "hot and cold" with the universe. Or that St. Anthony really missed me and was trying to get my attention. Also, I would like to point out that whenever an item goes missing, I am eiether drunk or hungry... or both.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I found my phone then lost my wallet... found my wallet but now I've lost my keys. I am laughing the laugh of someone gone mad.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Things That are Annoying Me

Malarkey: Miss America, Naiomi Campbell, Mel Gibson, Isiah Washington, Kramer... have all been sentenced by their publicists to a slew of public apologies and rehabilitation via therapy, not for drug and alcohol use by the way, but for statements made that made tham look like ignorant assholes. Ms. Campbell claims that the reason she beats her assistants and housekeepers is because she never knew her real father. Huh?

Squeezing every last dime out of a once good thing: Hannibal Rising

Ali Larter's acting ability: anyone else think the show could do without her character?

The Durex "Hump Day" advertisments that are on the radio all freakin day.

Dakota Fanning interviews