Thursday, April 24, 2008

And I sought for a man among them that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me in the land, that I should not destroy it:

..... but I found none.

The biggest problem I have with racists is that they never really know what the hell they are talking about. I've tolerated racist comments or jokes from people I know (with a cringe), because I realize they one or all of three things:
  • unintelligent
  • uninformed
  • unmotivated by goodwill to not be either of the first two
Speaking in terms of racism against black Americans, the most prevalent beliefs racists have revolve around the idea that most of their precious tax money taken out of their paychecks is going to feed black babies while the parents of said black babies sit on corners smoking crack. Here are the stats on welfare recipients. That's right, there are more whites receiving public welfare than blacks. Oh, and never mind the hefty salaries we pay our politicians who use your tax money to eat better, travel better, and get better prostitutes than you or I ever could.

The second most sited grievance racists seem to have against the black population in this country is the fact that a great majority of people in prisons is comprised of black males. While this maybe true (here are the stats on that as well), has it ever occurred that blacks are singled out or to put it a better way, racially profiled? how many white folks do you know that have committed a crime and never made it past their first court appearance? Or have even been arrested at all for that matter. Blacks seem to get the full punishment for a crime committed while whites get a slap on the wrist.(pay special attention to Rates Of Incarceration in that last link) I realize this is a generalization as well but you can't ignore these facts. Read the statutes on the punishment for possession of cocaine versus crack cocaine. I don't find much of a difference between the two. Not that I've ever done either.
But these stats seem to support the generalization that blacks are incarcerated more for selling drugs while whites do them. What comes first? The chicken or the egg? Has it come to this? Are you kidding me?

Personally, on a daily basis I see more of the kind of racism that is directed at style and language. Seemingly benign, comments on slang or Ebonics and the way of dressing in clothes so baggy you can see ones boxers are thrown around so flippantly one hardly even notices them anymore. This is blatantly an attack on "otherness" and the fear that someone different from you must be morally corrupt or stupid. I have better things to do than concern myself with how someone chooses to dress or talk. But I have seen people boil over with hatred and even turn to violence based on these two things alone.

I am ill equipped to attempt this last argument with the thoroughness that it deserves but I am going to attempt it anyway; The belief that 400 years of institutionalized degradation has nothing to do with the current social problems facing the black community. 400 years of the separation of families based on sales, 400 years of systematic rape, 400 years of prohibited education, 400 years of starvation and torture, 400 years of convincing and entire race of people that they are worth less based on the color of their skin... no, that can't possibly have affected the consciousness of men both black and white alike. These attitudes weren't passed down to children and grandchildren and so forth. Slavery was abolished when, the 1860's? So there has been some 140 odd years to recover and everything should be ok now? Not to mention that attitudes did not change immediately if at all. I know my great grandparents were not responsible, they did not come to America until 1919 and later. But I find it ethically negligent not to factor in the affect slavery had and still has when looking at the social structure and behaviors of black Americans. Slaves reformulated the Christian religion to suit their situation and cope with what they faced. Ideas like suffering is God's will and endurance will benefit one in the afterlife were relied upon more than the ideas that all men are equal and that all members of humanity are brothers. Famous slave authors like Martin Delaney came to the conclusion that the only things white men respected were money and power and that if you wanted to earn their respect you had to have both of those things: "I'll show you when we leave for the north , what money will do for you, right here in the Mississippi. Bear this in mind; it is your certain passport through the white gap, as I term it." Listen to any rap song and the main theme uniting them is how much money the rapper earns, what kind of car he drives and how many hot "bitches" he bangs. This did not come out of nowhere. Family structure during those times was almost not permitted to exist. They were ripped apart when sold because land owners would rather buy a healthy adult male alone than have to pay for the upkeep of his wife and children. If there is an abundance of single black mothers I say hmmmmm. Not that the factors are the same but the acceptance of it is there and it came from somewhere. There is a perpetuation of poverty and of of not pursuing further education that doesn't seem to me to be simply a matter of choice.

I guess what I'm trying to get at here is that if you perceive a problem, a social problem that affects the multitudes of an entire race, why would you laugh and point fingers instead of looking a little deeper. Some things just aren't funny, they are sad. I can't claim to have the answers but I think about it. So unless you are actively looking for a solution to these issues, stop bitching. You have no right. It is embarrassing to benefit from being white in a society where that's what is respected only to turn around and be an asshole to others who are not so fortunate.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I did it again!!!

I'm telling you man, I really think that I have reflexes that are of the super human caliber. Today at the gym, I spun the cap off of my water bottle with my left hand and it flipped out of my fingers and then - (wait for it) I simultaneously lifted the water bottle to my mouth with my right hand and caught the cap with my left......! It was like so smooth, so effortless. I even impressed myself this time. You know what the best part is? Trainer Dave caught the whole thing. Oh yeah. He did a double take and said, " Holy shit! You have great reflexes ! But no balance. Gimme three sets of twelve."

Thursday, April 10, 2008


All moved in my new place and mostly unpacked. The cable guys came over the other day and installed my internet but left my computer on a short leash. Apparently my brother's friend wiped out a little too much when he last cleaned my hard drive and rendered my computer wireless-less. So I blog to you from my living room floor- very very close to the wall.
The new place pretty much sucks. First of all, I can't smoke in my apartment. The only time this actually poses a problem for me is when I'm blogging or writing. Somewhere in my programming, the creative process is directly linked to slowly killing myself. Getting up every 15 minutes to go outside is severely hindering my flow.Since quitting smoking has been on my futile "to-do" lists for the last several years, I was hoping (in vain ?)that a non-smoking apartment would add a little gumption. There's a new quit program out called EX whose philosophy is that you have to "re-learn to live your life... without cigarettes." Basically, you identify triggers, or behaviors you associate with smoking, and learn how to do them without smoking. The commercial I saw showed this guy attempting to drink a cup of coffee... every time he brought it to his mouth he'd spill it all over his chin. Point: If you can re-learn to drink a cup of coffee, you can re-learn to do anything. I guess.
(smoke break)
Then there's the problem of living on a heavily trafficked main road. Every time I go to my car or step outside to get some fresh air, i.e smoke, I feel too visible. I'm afraid my patterns will be detected by some shady segment of the neighborhood and make me the perfect candidate for a break-in or worse. And not having a second exit as a means to escape does not do well on the nerves. Add in the creepy-crawlies that tend to hang out in basement apartments and you've got one very unhappy new tenant. Maybe I just need a little more time to get comfortable. I'm thinking that getting the books on the shelves and actually bringing in my bedroom furniture once it's refinished will add some warmth. The cardboard box dressers I've constructed, while clever and useful, do nothing for the soul.

Until then, I may be falling asleep on your sofa in mid-conversation due to the lack of sleep I've been getting. Don't wake me unless I start to drool. I need the rest, but please spare me the humiliation. Thanks.

Also, will be posting on my new blog about the glamorous world of chronically dating
(mainly losers) sometime later today. Feel free to check it out.