I had to meet some friends from work over at Nietzshes(I don't know if that's how it's spelled;don't really give a shit) last night. I protested at first on principle alone but then realized that I have never been there before and it might not be so bad. heh heh heh.... The instant I walked in, this horrible smell assaulted my nose. I actually winced involuntarily and took a preserving step back. Now, I'm used to bars that smell like peanuts, stale urine, and fresh puke. That I can handle, but this was something new. I couldn't figure out what it was for a minute and then it finally hit me. "This place smells like DIRTY HAIR!!!", I said to my friends. To which Christa replied, "Oh you snobby Lackawanna bitches..." (which I don't think I've ever heard Lackawanna bitches referred to as) Seriously, don't shower for a few days and smell your scalp and that was what this fuckin place smelled like. Between all the dirty hippy boys and the lesbians that don't shave their arm pits, I found myself becoming violently angry at complete strangers for being so fucking cliche.